Tuesday, 26 February 2013

MEST1 Cross Media Study ..

How do audiences access the text across the 3 platforms?

Who are the film's target audiences and how do you know? How is the film promoted to its target audiences through: Print? Broadcasting? E-media? 


The target audience for Ill Manors are more males than females and because the film contains a lot of violence, strong language and sexual scenes the bbfc rated the certificate of the film 18, as the genre of the film is action/crime/urban the age group would be around 18 to 36 years old. The TEDx lecture also highlighted a different type of audience for the film. Most of the audience from the lecture are of a middle class mostly journalists and others who were interested in the film and that type of genre. The Observer magazine about the film Ill Manors is targeted to more of a secondary audience, similarly to the audience in the TEDx lectures. The articles speaks about the narrative of the film, informs the audience about the genre, the ideas etc which is useful as it attracts the audience to watch the film.

The red carpet premiere was where they hosted interviews with the characters, asking them about the film and how they felt playing their roles, this allows the audience to find out about the characters and how they're completely different to the way they're portrayed in the film. This is really effective because it's interactive as it allows the audience to ask questions about the film and the characters, involving the audience means the producers make sure they have the feedback they need for the film. This clip is found on Youtube which is again cross promotion (synergy) as Youtube promotes both the film trailer and the music from the album, because Youtube is a really popular website it helps promote the film worldwide thus attracting a world wide audience, therefore promoting the film through Youtube is really effective.

Broadcasting media is used through the TEDx lecture, this lecture is where Plan B expresses his feelings, beliefs and political views, he also talks about his film and what he wanted to the outcomes to be from the film. From listening to the lecture the audience start to understand what type of man he is which is really effective because it attracts the audience to find out more, because Plan B's such a nice person the audience all most feel sorry for him and his childhood which again could attract people to watch his film to almost taste his background and how he was brought up like for example being kicked out of school and not being accepted in any other which lead to him going to a pupil referral unit called the Tunmarsh Centre in Plaistow.   Plan B explains how he looked up to famous rappers, how he raised himself through music because he didn't have anyone which almost pulls on the audiences heart strings which almost forces them to find out more through watching his film. His upbringing encouraged him to become a soul/rapper artist, instead of grime/rap music as that shows an negative image which therefore gives the audience a chance to discriminate young youths. Plan B then explains how he hates how the media and society have portrayed young children as it straight away gives others a negative view on them. Plan B also says the only way to attract the youth's audience to then engage them is through music as they can relate to it better. Plan B's audience have similar features and views as himself which works well as he knows what they like and dislike, he knows how to attract the audience.

Now think of how the producers are communicating with audiences across the 3 platforms: What are the differences? 

The producers communicate with the audience across the three platforms by informing, entertaining them and through social networking sites. Print is more to inform the audience about the film for example reviews are made to inform the audience how good or bad the film was and if people should spend their money watching it. Broadcasting is more entertaining the audience through talk shows where they can interact with the audience, talk shows also inform as they normally interview the actors to find out more about themselves and so on. E-media is more escapism and social interaction, websites such as album ratings where the audience can rate the album not only involves them but also is great feedback for the artist in this case Plan B.

Audience theories you could research and apply to your film case study:

  • Uses & gratifications 
  • Social demographics (ABC1 = Middle class; C2DE = Working class)
  • Mode of address
  • Narrowcasting 
Uses & Gratifications 
-Entertainment, while the audience watch or read the media products they'll feel more relaxed and entertained. 
-Identity, from watching the film the audience might be able to relate to the characters for example a lot of the characters in Ill Manors is from when Plan B was young and what he witnessed.
-Escapism, When you watch the film you almost forget about your own problems and get caught up by the drama the audience is watching. 

Social Demographics - Primary audience
C - E, D, C1, C2 - represents the working class in society and Ill Manors reflects this. 
A - 18 to 34 years old as the film contains a lot of swearing, violence and sex scenes.
G - Males as in the film the male gender is more dominant which would attract them to the narrative.
E - Black and white people as the film shows them more than any other race.
S - Heterosexuals because the film doesn't include any homosexuals for the audience to relate to.

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