Monday, 14 January 2013

Ill Manors Case Study ..

Researching using Case Study ..

Print .. 

To promote Plan B's film he used all 3 media platforms to get the film across to everybody. This billboard is from the print side of the platforms. The title to begin with is big and bold, in capitals which are really effective as it pulls the audience's attention from far, and if someone drives past they'll still be able to read it. This therefore attracts the audience to watch the film. Also, if someone sees the billboard and think's the film looks interesting, having the title of the film in big bold capital letters would help them to remember the name to therefore go home and research it thus finding out what the film is about to then go and watch it. 

Then on the bottom is the release date which isn't the best placement as it's really important for the audience however it's in bold red letters, the only text on the billboard with red colour which therefore might even attract the audience first. Having this information in bold red letters while the rest of the billboard (apart from the other image) is in black and white is really effective, as it attracts the audience to look at the release date straight away which is important to therefore go and watch. I also feel billboards are helpful to find information about the film that you're not sure about. 

The image is of plan B smoking sitting on a wall with a skyline view of estates. I think this image is really effective as it basically narrows the film down completely. Showing Plan B on the front cover would attract many of his fans to watch this film, it would also help Plan B to become more famous with his music, using cross promotion (Synergy). He uses mis-en-scene through props really well with Plan B smoking as it hints the film's genre isn't going to be something for children but about real life. The other image on the side that's in red is normally really for lining up cocaine and other drugs, it's also used as a weapon as it's sharper than a knife, having this in a bold red not only hints what type of film this is about but also pulls the audience's attention especially people that have used this weapon or know what it's used for whether it's for drugs or to harm someone.   

Broadcasting ..

To start the interview, Jonathan Ross introduces Plan B as multi-talented - singer, song writer, actors and also a movie director which he also wrote. He describes Ben Drew as the most interesting artist around. This on it's own is really effective as it attracts many people into listening to his music, this also is really good for his career, the Jonathan Ross show is a hit TV programme, for Jonathan himself to say Plan B is the really interesting helps Plan B have more publicity and become more famous and well known. 

Plan B believes rapping is poetry, and if you don't like rapping you don't like poetry. He also believes there's a big mis-conception about hip hop music because of the way it's sold in this country. He speaks about this new film Ill Manors and the new album, he says many people now have started to listen to his music more because it's ironic it allows people into the real world of hip hop. He said he didn't actually believe his album Ill Manors could go number 1.  He then goes on to say how Hip Hop music brought him up, that music raised him as he was kicked out of school and wasn't accepted in other schools.

Plan B feels that the kids in his high school are disadvantaged as the kids haven't been raised properly and no one shows them love, they feel like they're not worth anything and then they walk out of the doors of their high school, pick up the newspaper and the media's saying they're not worth anything, the media calls teenagers chavs and scum. The society read the newspaper and they believe kids are bad so when they come across a teenager they already have a preconception about them this then leads to the teenagers believing they're not worth anything.Plan B then speaks about the riots, he believes the government haven't done anything to prevent it, Plan B shows true dis like towards the government 

Jonathan Ross asks Plan B what hero's has he met as now he's more well known, Plan B answers The Prodigies, Liam Gallagher, Roy Lichtenstein, Michael Cane who he works with. He then says he met Rolf Harris who he looked up to all his life at some awards, Plan B explains that Rolf Harris had tears in his eyes and said how Plan B inspired him to start writing music again, Plan B explains the whole experience as  overwhelming, strange and surreal, he said Rolf Harris was like a granddad to him and Plan B was really touched that he inspired him. To finally end the interview Jonathan Ross say's to Plan B it was really nice meeting you, you're such a lovely man. The shake hands and that's the interview over.

E-Media ..

"NME First For Music News" is a website made just for music news, new information about music albums and so on. As Plan B made an Ill Manors album, this website obviously spoke about it and gave it a rating or 8/10. Underneath the name Plan B - Ill Manors it says "A good move to gritty narrator of inner-city deprivation". It then on the sides shows where to go if you want to buy the album which I think is really effective because, for people who read the news on this website all the time might read the news about this album, find it interesting therefore going onto Amazon to go buy it. 

Underneath the album image, there's information about the album, the release date which is important as I mentioned above, the producers which brings many fans, people who like Plan B's other albums or even what he raps about and people who are a fan of Labrinth and his music. The Label which is Atlantic which again could attract a wider audience as many people might like that label because of it's previous work. 

The website speaks first about Plan B's other albums, his last album "The Defamation of Strickland Banks" was a soulful, if slightly hammy, concept album, which made Ben Drew a commercial success. It then speaks about his second album which is a "compliment" to the film Ill Manors. The website explains how both the film and album tell a story of a group of young people living next to the "billion-pound Olympic village in almost indescribable depravity." The album as a whole, the songs which move back and forth across generations tells the same story but in different points of views. From Michelle in "Deepest Shame" which is a song from the album who was abused as a child and is now prostituting for spare change, Jake in "Playing with fire" who was a little kids tricked into a life of crime or Chris in "Drug Dealer" who was forced to hang out with and ex-FN supporter while his heroin addict mother slept with her dealer. They're all victims of their environment "enslaved in their circumstances." Most of the article speaks about each song and the meaning of them. Each song has a different meaning, some speak about the characters in the film and some speak about David Cameron and his rubbish work. 

The last paragraph, where should you listen to the album? the website explains if you've been through what Plan B's been through then you shouldn't listen to it as obviously it would upset you however Plan B says how it doesn't matter because all music should make you think. 

Then underneath is a bar and it says to rate the album which I think is really effective for Plan B because he gets to see what people think about this album and it shows that everyone gets to say how they feel about this album. Finally underneath all of this is a behind the scenes Ill Manors making where he starts by saying how he was supported with the album, he had many people who helped him with the album but the film he had to do all alone as no one wanted to take a chance on him, many people believed he shouldn't have made a film. The website then speaks about other things, shows other links and that's the end of the website.

Overall I think this website is really effective as it gives the audience a say, it analyse the album and each song, then towards the bottom it has a video of the making of the album and film. This website has a lot of information which is really helpful when wanting to research the film and the album and since it's a website about music news it's more reliable. 

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